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Choose the right Equipment for your Occupational Health Clinic

Since the implementation of the OHS Act and the responsibility that it placed on employers to perform medical surveillance and retain records, there has been a slow but steady shift towards outsourcing these services to Occupational Health clinics.

For an Occupational Health clinic to be profitable, it needs return customers. The clinic needs to build up a history and a relationship with the customer and it needs to be based on more than just price. It needs to be based on efficiency, service, trust and added benefit. Once a clinic has a good footing with all these aspects of service delivery, it then needs to consider how to manage all its customers and all the associated records.

The common practice up until now has been for clinics to source their audiometry, vision and spirometry equipment from one or more suppliers and rely on the individual sets of software that come with those devices. Once the clinic realises that it needs a better management tool and it turns to software solutions, it’s often too late as not all software can integrate with all hardware. Often a clinic is left with no choice but to continue with the chaotic, paper intensive systems that it employed when the clinic was still young and less busy. This is the “Top Down” approach – source the hardware first and efficient management systems second.

There is a better way of equipping your clinic with the right hardware and software to manage your customer expectations and your own, while at the same time increasing your patient throughput. This is the “Bottom Up” approach – sort out your management systems first and let that help you decide on your equipment.


Ambium is the leading turnkey medical surveillance management solution for Occupational Health clinics in South Africa. Ambium integrates seamlessly with more makes & models of audiometers, spirometers and vision screeners than any other software in the market. Patient and medical records are retained together with computer generated documents saved on the system or through Deep Red Technologies Cloud (or private Cloud) solution. With remote reviewing capability and legal electronic signing of certificates, the time wasting and costs associated with travel to and from OMPs can be eliminated. Ambium Online allows customers to log into their profiles and download their own employee certificates via the Internet without having to phone the clinic every other day for records

It’s the new way of setting up your clinic or taking your existing clinic into the future. Once your management systems are set up through Ambium, you can select the best hardware that suits your needs.

Bottoms up!

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