Software that is conventionally sold as a perpetual licence is normally associated with:
An up-front cost for software
Annual licence fees
The user pays for support or service level agreements
Time consuming and in many cases on-site software upgrades
The user has to pay for data backup services or has to concern themselves with data backups
The upkeep of on premise servers which can cost thousands per year on maintenance

It seems a little out dated
Enter The “Cloud”
There is a better way of doing things. Software as a Service (SaaS) falls into the category of stuff (please excuse the highly technical term) covered by the “Cloud”. Ambium Cloud is a SaaS implementation of Ambium.
Ambium Cloud provides a safe and hassle free off-premise data storage and backup system. There’s no need to concern yourself with the safe-keeping of records required to be kept for up to 40 years.
Ambium Cloud connects you with your clinics. Where there’s more than one clinic in your organisation, Ambium Cloud provides a seamless web of data connectivity which means that a patient can visit any one of your clinics at any time and his records will always be available. The clinic owner and the OHMP/doctor can access the system from their laptop, from anywhere in the world.
With Ambium Cloud, you pay a single monthly rental fee. There is no in-contract period and no annual maintenance fee. This includes continuous support.
Some benefits of Ambium Cloud are:
The software is downloaded to the operator’s workstation on demand
Data and backups are managed centrally
The application is accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection
Upgrades are installed 4 times per annum and automatically downloaded to workstations on demand
Patches are applied as required
Offline mode allows for uninterrupted operation when off the network e.g. remote sites and mobile units
New sites can easily be added to the existing network
User provisioning and access control is managed centrally
Single copy of employee and medical records means data is available at all sites without any copying or manual entry needed
Reports for any testing site are quickly accessible from anywhere and the results can be aggregated across all sites
Ambium Online (web portal) provides dashboards, reporting and data view capabilities from any device with an Internet connection
Ambium Online allows your customers to access their employees’ records securely from any device with an Internet connection
How it hangs together
Managed Server
The main Ambium server application and master database is hosted on a managed server in the “Cloud”.
Each clinic will be set up with its own local database on the local network. Operators in the clinic can work regardless of Internet availability. Data is sync’ed in real time to the main Ambium database in the “Cloud”.
The Doctor
The OMP/Doctor (or any authorized user) can access the system from their work or personal laptop or computer using the Ambium application via a standard Internet connection.
Customers will have access to their employees’ data using their Internet browser on any device with an Internet connection.
Don’t get left behind
For a small monthly fee, can you afford NOT to implement the services of Ambium Cloud in your clinic?
For more information please visit the Ambium home page;