The DMR has prescribed what information should appear on the exit medical certificate for mine workers leaving the industry or moving from one mine to another.
There does from time to time seem to be confusion as to what the information should look like and how it should be presented in the CoF. Below is an example of an exit certificate generated in Ambium that has been cleared by DMR inspectors at a few mines. I’ve included a simple explanation of some of the most important sections of information requirements on a mine exit certificate of fitness, besides of course the usual items that should appear on all periodical and exit medical certificates.
The Company is the entity which the employee is employed by and pays his/her salary. This could be a contractor. In this example, ACME Engineering is the company. The Employer is the “location” where the employee is working. The Employer is responsible for the employee’s health and safety. In a mining exit certificate, it is the Employer’s details that reflect at the top of the CoF. It is therefore important to capture these details comprehensively into the system. If the Employer (mine) is also the Company, ie, employs and pays their salaries of the employees, then the mine as both the Employer and the Company.
There should be a reason for termination. Ambium provides a list of options to choose from.
The environment in which the mine worker spent the majority of his time in is important to appear on the CoF because it gives an overview of what he/she may have been exposed to when potential claims need to be assessed.
Audio baselines, especially the Milestone Baseling (R839) must be present on the exit certificate.
ILO Classifications must appear on the CoF.
Occupational Diseases, including severity and claim outcomes (if any) must appear on the Certificate of Fitness.
Unlike most CoF’s where only the OHP or OMP have to sign the document, with the mining exit certificate, the patient (employee), OMP and witness must sign the document.
Should you require more information on this subject, or for any other information regarding Ambium Software, please click HERE to contact us and we’ll get right on it.